Weekly summary – 14/04/13

April 14, 2013

Mon – AM 45 mins easy (7:15) PM 30 mins recovery (7:36)
Tue – New River session
Wed – 60 mins easy (6:50)
Thu – 10/10/10 threshold (6:26 avg)
Fri – REST
Sat – Parkrun & marathon pace session
Sun – 60 mins easy (7:25)

Total – 45 miles, 5:16 hr, 6:54m/m avg

First week of the taper and the miles have been dialled back, but still a few sessions scattered around.

Tuesdays session was not quite as planned, as on arriving at the New River stadium we found the track closed for cleaning! Initial thoughts of “well, maybe a night off then” were dashed when we headed to the rugby pitch for some intervals on the grass.

The session was quite light to accommodate those with imminent marathons – 5 mins threshold followed by 3 x (4 x 1 min), with 1 min rests between reps, and about 3 mins between sets. It was nice to do some speed work and the session went well, the average pace was 4:46 for the efforts.

I picked up a slight hip/glute strain on the tight corners round the rugby pitch. Nothing too bad, just a dull ache when running. I expect it to get better as I ease down into the taper.

Thursdays session was a 10/10/10 progression run, felt a bit leg weary in this one. Probably down to doing 60 mins at 6:50 the day before, really didn’t worry about it as at this point I know I have done the necessary hard work. One duff day isn’t going to throw me now.

Saturday’s schedule called for a Parkrun, followed by 10 mins easy, 20 mins marathon pace. I have only done one Parkrun before (2 years ago), so printed off my bar code and headed off to Gunnersbury Park in Ealing.

I was a bit nervy beforehand as I rarely run 5k these days and the fast pace required was a bit scary. However in the end it turned out very well, I played it safe in 3rd for the first half before moving up and taking the lead with about 1 mile to go. Managed to hold off the competition and finished 1st in 16:47 (though my watch said 16:44), a PB 🙂

My 5000m track PB is 16:45 so this was a nice result, especially considering the very slippy, muddy conditions at several points on the course.

After a brief rest it was off for 10 mins easy and 20 mins race pace, which went fine and of course felt very easy after the 5k pace.

1 hour easy on Sunday, and that’s it. Just a very light week and wrapping myself in cotton wool in preparation for the big day itself.

Weekly summary – 07/04/13

April 7, 2013

Mon – 30 mins recovery (7:34)
Tue – AM 45 mins easy (6:59) PM 30 mins easy (7:09)
Wed – 1h10 easy (7:01)
Thu – REST
Fri – 90 mins in 10 x 3 mins thr, 3 mins steady (5:44 efforts)
Sat – 45 mins recovery (7:30)
Sun – 2h inc 3 x 15 MP in final 60 (6:42 avg)

Total – 62  miles, 7:11 hr, 6:55m/m avg

Another good week, as things begin to wind down into the taper.

The first half of the week was mostly easy or recovery running, letting the legs freshen up after a pretty full on time the week before.

Things got a bit more interesting on Friday with a 1h30 run including 10 x 3 mins threshold, 3 mins steady (delayed from Thursday with the prospect of lighter winds). Went down the Regents Park for this, the perimeter road is ideal for uninterrupted sessions like this. All went very well, much better than my previous attempt at this session back in February. Held the pace well on the reps, apart from a slight drift on one going into the wind and up a small incline.

Sundays long run included 3 x 15 mins at race pace in the last hour. Completed this round Hyde Park, Green Park and St James Park. Apart from a few crowds round Buckingham palace it went well. Did feel a bit tired in the final 15, but not to worried as it was only 2 days after a pretty tough session.

Reasonable mileage, and another week averaging under 7mm. Going into the taper feeling good.

Weekly summary – 31/03/13

April 7, 2013

Mon – 45 mins easy (6:53)
Tue – 2h35 long run (6:57)
Wed – AM 30 mins recovery (7:41) PM 30 mins recovery (7:30)
Thu – 60 mins inc 8×5 mins threshold (5:43 efforts)
Fri – 45 mins easy (7:17)
Sat – REST
Sun – 2h20 long progression run (6:43 avg)

Total – 73  miles, 8:27 hr, 6:55m/m avg

Catching up on a few weeks of missed posts…

This week felt a bit more like it, 2 solid long runs and a challenging 8 x 5 mins threshold session.

I had the week off work from Tuesday so able to do most of my runs in the light and get plenty of recovery.

Tuesday was a key run – two and a half hours at an easy pace. Held the pace at just under 7 minute miling and finished feeling good. Even put in another 5 mins, and got it up to 22.3 miles.

Thursdays 8 x 5 mins threshold was a but daunting, for some reason doing 8 reps sounded really tough. Drove down to Bushy Park to do this one, as I wanted a flat, distraction free course. In the end it went very well, and held a good average pace across all 8 reps.

Sunday was another long run, but in a progression stylee. The plan was 6 miles easy, 6 miles MP-15, 6 miles MP, 1 mile fast, 2 miles easy. Signed up late for the Richmond Half Marathon so I had a bit of company for the harder sections. Conveniently the start line was a 6 mile run down the canal, arrived and picked up number about a minute before the gun, perfect. Ran the rest of the race as per the plan, feeling good all the way round.

A solid week.

Weekly summary – 24/03/13

April 7, 2013

Mon – 30 mins recovery (7:54m/m)
Tue – AM 45 mins easy (7:12m/m) PM New River session
Wed – 60 mins easy (7:18m/m)
Thu – 45 mins 15/15/15 threshold (6:29m/m avg)
Fri – REST
Sat – 30 mins easy (7:09m/m)
Sun – 60 mins inc 30 mins MP (6:37m/m avg)

Total – 45  miles, 5:10 hr, 6:54m/m avg

Catching up on a few weeks of missed posts…

This was meant to be a bit of a cut back week as the Southern 12 stage toad relays were on Sunday, but unfortunately it was cancelled. Replaced this with an unremarkable 60 minute run with the middle 30 at MP. Should probably done a threshold session, but wasn’t really feeling it (and it was cold).

The rest of the week was quite light, just two sessions.

Tuesday was at the New River stadium for 10 mins MP , 2 x 5 x 400m, 10 mins MP. Numbers were low as Nick was away in Portugal with the 26.2 crew, and the remaining hardcore pushed the MP efforts more up into threshold levels (5:52 and 5:42).

Thursday was a 15/15/15 progression run on slightly tired legs, averaged 5:52 for the last 15.

That’s it for this week.

Weekly summary – 17/03/13

March 18, 2013

Mon – 2h30 long run (7:17m/m)
Tue – 45 mins recovery (7:40m/m)
Wed – REST
Thu – REST
Fri – REST
Sat – 45 mins easy (7:27m/m)
Sun – AM Bath Half Marathon (1:21:47) PM 34 mins recovery (7:37m/m)

Total – 52  miles, 6:10 hr, 7:06m/m avg

By Monday my ‘runners knee’ was feeling much better (but not 100%), so I went for my long run which I’d skipped on the day before. It was one of the hardest runs I’d ever done 😦

Things started okay for the first hour, but then the temperature dipped below freezing and the gale force winds seemed to be blowing straight into my face no matter which was I turned. I was also having a problem with my left hip, and couldn’t seem to get any power in my stride. The run was meant to include 3 x 15 mins MP at the end, but this just didn’t happen. I gave it a go, just about managing 15 seconds off MP for the first set (into the wind) but the other three (also into the wind) were barely more than my average pace! Got home with a great deal of relief and warned myself up in a very hot shower. Bliss.

My knee was definitely worse the next day, but went for a recovery run anyway as it felt okay when running. With Reading Half due on Sunday I took the next few days off to let it settle.

Took a 45 minute easy run on Saturday, knee mostly okay again so set for Sundays MP session.

Woke on Sunday to rain, rain and some more rain. And cold, still no sign of Spring. This was a half marathon to be run at marathon pace, so I tried to ignore the weather, I had a job to do. In short, the race itself went fine, and I finished 40 seconds above pace in 1:21:47. I managed to chat to some Reading Roadrunners for a lot of the way round, and the pace felt comfortable enough, certainly easier than at Wokingham a few weeks ago.

I wanted to do another 45 mins after the race, but I was experiencing some ‘intestinal distress’ at the end plus it was still raining heavily and very cold, and I had no decent clothes to change into so I headed for the warmth and decided to do it when I got home. I resisted the temptation to just relax when I did arrive home, and headed out to get the extra 6 miles done.

Knee feeling okay, slightly stiff but hopefully on the mend so I can get back into full training next week…

Weekly summary – 10/03/13

March 18, 2013

Mon – 45 mins easy (7:08m/m)
Tue – AM 30 mins recovery (7:42m/m) PM 45 mins easy (7:15m/m)
Wed – 60 mins easy (7:17m/m)
Thu – 5 x 5 mins threshold (5:44m/m efforts)
Fri – REST
Sat – REST
Sun – REST

Total – 32  miles, 3:55 hr, 7:07m/m avg

This week got off to a good start, but was blighted by injury for the latter half.

Not much to add really, the first few days were comprised entirely of easy and recovery runs, and I actually felt surprisingly fresh after the Bath HM at the weekend. Thursdays 5 x 5min threshold started a bit slowly in the first rep, but things picked up for the last four (5:59, 5:45, 5:36, 5:39, 5:40).

Didn’t notice anything wrong during Thursdays session, but woke on Friday to a stiff and sore left patella. I must have jarred it somehow, and it was a classic case of runners knee. It was generally fine to walk on, but hurt when sitting with knees bent.

Decided to be sensible and rest it for the remainder of the week. So that wraps up that week!

Weekly summary – 03/03/13 inc Bath Half

March 7, 2013

Mon – AM 30 mins easy (6:53m/m) PM 45 min recovery run (8:13m/m)
Tue – AM 45 mins easy (7:14m/m) PM New River session (see below)
Wed – 60 mins easy (7:21m/m)
Thu – 15/15/15 progression run (7:20/6:30/5:45m/m)
Fri – REST
Sat – 30 mins easy (7:20m/m)
Sun – Bath Half Marathon – 77:43

Total – 59  miles, 6:45hr, 6:52m/m avg

The obvious focus of this week was the Bath Half Marathon, which was to be run as a proper race, rather than a MP session.

Had been feeling a bit under the weather at the start of the week, nothing specific but a slightly elevated resting heart rate and headaches. Luckily by Thursday I was over it and feeling good.

Mondays easy runs were unremarkable, as was Tuesday morning. Then it was up to Haringey for a track session with Nick and the group. This was basically the same as my last session here before Mallorca – 6 mins threshold, 5 x 800m, 6 mins threshold. The 800s were a bit of a struggle but got them done (5:04, 5:07, 5:07, 5:10, 5:11), sometimes you just have to get your head down.

As mentioned above, by Thursday I was feeling healthy again and was pleased with how the 15/15/15 progression run went. I often find these sessions tough, but my fitness is obviously improving as I felt stronger and stronger through the run. The final mile was at 5:39m/m pace.

It was then a rest day and an easy run on Saturday, keeping my powder dry for Sunday.

It had warmed up a bit during the week (thank god!), but Sunday was quite chilly again so I donned hat and gloves along with my singlet for the race. I won’t give a long race report, in a nutshell it was very similar to last year and I crossed the line in 77:43, for a 11 second PB.

Splits 5:48, 5:51, 5:54, 5:50, 5:49, 5:52, 5:52, 5:50, 5:53, 5:53, 5:53, 5:54, 5:52, 5:01. Good sprint finish 🙂

That’s it for another week…

Weekly summary – 24/02/13

February 24, 2013

Mon – AM 30 mins steady (6:40m/m) PM 45 min hilly recovery run (8:40)
Tue – 1hr inc 5 x 5 mins threshold (5:48 efforts)
Wed – 45 mins recovery run (8:05m/m)
Thu – 90 mins inc 10 x 3 mins threshold / 3 mins steady as middle 60 (5:50m/m efforts)
Fri – REST
Sat – 1hr inc 3 x 10 mins continuous hills off 2 mins (6:00m/m efforts)
Sun – 2h20m long run with last 30 at MP (7:07m/m avg, 6:19m/m MP)

Total – 67  miles, 8hr, 7:07m/m avg

Quite a busy week!

Monday was a double but nothing strenuous, a 30 min steady run down to the Port de Soller in the morning, then a nice and gentle recovery run up into the hills behind Soller in the afternoon.

Tuesday we flew back to the UK, but the flight wasn’t until 4pm so I had time to sneak in a threshold run before we left 🙂 I was feeling a bit tired though, probably the hilly long run on Sunday catching up with me. Still, I stuck it out and completed the 5 x 5 mins, but at a slightly slower average pace of 5:48m/m.

Wednesday was a bit of a shock, back to running in the cold. It has been very cold for a while now, this time last year it was much warmer – my logbook says 15c. More of that please!

Thursday was an interesting session, quite different to anything I’ve done before. The instruction was 90 minutes with the middle 60 as 10 x 3 mins threshold / 3 mins steady. It was cold again (goes without saying) so I togged up and headed out on my Kew – Richmond loop for this one. It all went well though, each effort was completed between 5:38 and 5:54 m/m. The 5:38 was a bit of an outlier, most splits were around 5:45-50. The “recoveries”  were run at a pace of around 6:30-50m/m, but by the last 2 I was knackered and these were more of a jog, I won’t tell if you don’t 😉

Friday was rest. Was considering doing a little recovery run as I missed one run on Tuesday but felt pretty grotty all day and decided to take it easy instead.

Still felt tired and under the weather on Saturday, and spent most of the day in bed taking it easy. But, I knew I had a hill session scheduled and dragged myself out in the late afternoon to do it. It was freezing yet again, actually snowing this time. This was 3 x 10 mins continuous hills, not a session I’ve done before. Nick had set it before, but due to illness and injury I hadn’t ever attempted it.

Managed a decent pace in the first two reps (5:53, 5:56), but couldn’t maintain it in the last (6:10). No big deal, this is really the first of these kenyan hill type sessions plus I  missed most of the XC season so my leg strength is not that great right now. Think it went okay considering the circumstances (under the weather and very cold).

Now onto Sunday, and my longest run for ages. This was billed in my schedule from Nick as 2:15 with the last 30 at marathon pace, which is not quite what happened…

It was another cold day, hovering just above freezing, and I was feeling the effects from yesterdays hills (only 16 hours ago). The cold air was also affecting my breathing and my lungs felt really constricted, I knew in the first few yards this wouldn’t be my best run. I think the shock of the cold air after the warmth of Mallorca has definitely given my body a few problems this week.

All that probably explains why I struggled on the final MP section. I had to really work for the maintain the pace and about 25 mins in a particularly slippy section on the towpath slowed me right down for a few seconds before summoning up one last effort for another 3rd of a mile, then called it a day.

Although it felt tough and I bailed a bit early, I am not too worried. Got it mostly done, despite the cold, breathing problems and tiredness from yesterday.

This was quite a hard week looking back at it, and I shouldn’t be too worried if a few sessions feel hard when I’m a bit ill and, I’ll say it again, it’s so damn cold!

Weekly summary – 17/02/13

February 24, 2013

Mon – 45 mins easy (8:15m/m)
Tue – AM 45 mins easy (7:24m/m), PM 6 mins threshold, 5 x 800m, 10 mins MP
Wed – 45 mins easy (7:42m/m)
Thu – REST
Fri – 1h15 with 5 x 5 mins threshold (5:40m/m efforts)
Sat – 45 mins easy (7:20)
Sun – 2h long hilly trail run (8:16m/m avg)

Total – 55 miles, 7h, 7:35m/m avg

This weeks report is a bit late, as I was away in Mallorca from the Thursday. I’ll keep it brief…

Tuesday was another 45 min easy run in the morning, then over to the New River stadium in the evening for the coached session with Nick and the gang. We started with the usual 6 minutes threshold (5:40m/m) then went into 5 x 800m (2:34 to 2:37), finishing up with 10 minutes at marathon pace (6:06m/m). Felt pretty good, considering the Sunday before was the Wokingham half, which was a marathon pace session.

Rest day was switched to Thursday as we were flying out to Soller in Mallorca, for some welcome warm weather. Soller was amazing, a beautiful town nestled in the Sierra de Tramuntana. It is a very popular destination for road cyclists, the climate and fantastic mountain roads drawing quite a few pro teams that we spotted on their training rides.

The first run of the holiday was a 5 x 5 min threshold session along the harbour front of Port de Soller, following a nice warm up along trails from the main town. Session went perfectly, paces held and a great setting.

Saturday began with a 45 min easy run in the morning, then in the afternoon we went on a 50k ride on some decent road bikes we’d hired. The ride was pretty hilly, but I felt comfortable on all the ascents which was a surprise as I rarely cycle. Overall I enjoyed it enormously, and am considering buying a road bike after the marathon…

Sundays long run was something I’d been looking forward to, a chance to explore the trails around Soller and soak up the mountain views. I set off with a vague idea to do a 2 loop route, but couldn’t resist exploring more freely and wandered around the trails instead. Some sections were very rocky and it was impossible to go much faster then 10m/m, other sections were on gorgeous hard packed dirt, but all of it was in a balmy 11c and with the smell of pine permeating the air. It was quite hilly too, with 480m of ascent and 460m of descent. Simply the most enjoyable run this year, and the end to a great week.

Weekly summary – 10/02/13

February 10, 2013

Mon – 45 mins recovery (8:26m/m)
Tue – AM 45 mins easy (7:18m/m), PM 8 x 800m track session
Wed – 45 mins recovery (7:50m/m)
Thu – 5 x 5 mins tempo intervals (5:55m/m efforts)
Fri – REST
Sat – Met League XC, 5.73 miles (5:55m/m)
Sun – 1h22m Wokingham HM @ marathon pace (6:16m/m)

Total – 48 miles, 5h30m, 6:50m/m avg

Quite a full on week, with a double, 2 sessions and 2 races…

Kicked off the week with a nice slow recovery run, no need to push this one.

Tuesday started with a 45 min easy run before breakfast (still getting used to emerging early from the duvet) and then up to the New River stadium for a track session with Nick and the gang. On the menu was 8 x 800m, alternating threshold and 5k pace on the reps, off 75 second recoveries.Splits – 5:39, 5:11, 5:27, 5:07, 5:25, 5:01, 5:22, 5:04. All went well and felt up for more at the end which is always a good sign.

Wednesday was another recovery run, and Thursday was a 5 x 5 min threshold session which I ran round Little Wormwood Scrubs (nice smooth undulating path round the perimeter). Each effort was run at between 5:50 and 5:58 pace. Little bit slow, but there was a small hill on each lap, and it was pretty dark when I finished!

Friday, rest glorious rest!

I had missed all but the first Met League XC fixtures this season due to injury, so was pleased to run in the final race on Saturday. It was on a pancake flat 5.73 mile course round Merchant Taylor school in Ruislip, and I finished in 33:55 and 72nd place (I’m normally pleased with anything in the top 100 at met leagues). Did a light cool down after, another big day to come…

Sunday was the Wokingham Half Marathon, which for me was a marathon pace run, not full on race. I went with the goal of running at 6:17 pace, which is the equivalent for a 2h45m marathon. It was a cold, rainy day but overall it wasn’t too miserable experience – things went according to plan and I finished on 1h22m, bang on pace at 6:16. Job done.

It was freezing at the finish, and we skipped the cool down run in favour of a mad dash for the warmth of the car. Feeling a bit stiff as I write this, so lesson learnt there. Still, off for a massage tomorrow evening so hoping that will help.

A good week.