Weekly summary – 02/09/12

Mon – 16 miles long run (7:07m/m)
Tue – 4 miles recovery (7:42m/m)
Wed – 9  miles inc 4 x 4 x 300m @ 5:07m/m
Thu – 6 miles easy (6:57m/m)
Fri – 4 miles recovery (7:29m/m)
Sat – 5 miles inc 5000m race (16:45)
Sun – 18  miles long run (7:16m/m avg)

Total – 61 miles

My first post in a while, yes I have been training still! This week was not very representative of my training weekly, but I have the time to write tonight so this is what you’re getting.

Due to some busy weekends my long run had drifted to Monday evenings, but I moved it back to Sunday this week which explains why I have two long runs in the schedule. Mondays 16 miler was nothing spectacular, Sundays was a couple of laps round Richmond Park plus 4 miles along the river, 18 in total. This was my longest run since the marathon and it was good to do it around the undulating perimeter of Richmond Park. It was not easy though, coming the day after a 5000m race (more on this below).

Wednesday was a club session in Perivale Park – 4 x 4 x 300m with 100m jogs and an extra minute standing recovery between sets. Pace on the efforts was quite slow as it was very slippy on the path, and each 300m had a sharp turn to contend with. Otherwise I would have expected the efforts to be sub 5m/m.

Saturday was the final match in the Southern Athletic League division two, I competed in the 5000m. This was only my second 5000m on the track, and though I only came third I managed a pb of 16:45, 11 seconds faster than previously. I mentally split the race into 3 separate miles and a 200m sprint, giving me some targets to aim for. Being a track newbie, 5000m is still quite a daunting distance to race on a 400m track.

Nice to get a pb, they haven’t come very often this Summer and it’s reassuring to know my training program is having some effect.

6 weeks to go until my next target race, the Peterborough Half Marathon on October 14th.

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