Weekly summary – 10/03/13

Mon – 45 mins easy (7:08m/m)
Tue – AM 30 mins recovery (7:42m/m) PM 45 mins easy (7:15m/m)
Wed – 60 mins easy (7:17m/m)
Thu – 5 x 5 mins threshold (5:44m/m efforts)
Fri – REST
Sat – REST
Sun – REST

Total – 32  miles, 3:55 hr, 7:07m/m avg

This week got off to a good start, but was blighted by injury for the latter half.

Not much to add really, the first few days were comprised entirely of easy and recovery runs, and I actually felt surprisingly fresh after the Bath HM at the weekend. Thursdays 5 x 5min threshold started a bit slowly in the first rep, but things picked up for the last four (5:59, 5:45, 5:36, 5:39, 5:40).

Didn’t notice anything wrong during Thursdays session, but woke on Friday to a stiff and sore left patella. I must have jarred it somehow, and it was a classic case of runners knee. It was generally fine to walk on, but hurt when sitting with knees bent.

Decided to be sensible and rest it for the remainder of the week. So that wraps up that week!

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