Weekly summary – 07/04/13

Mon – 30 mins recovery (7:34)
Tue – AM 45 mins easy (6:59) PM 30 mins easy (7:09)
Wed – 1h10 easy (7:01)
Thu – REST
Fri – 90 mins in 10 x 3 mins thr, 3 mins steady (5:44 efforts)
Sat – 45 mins recovery (7:30)
Sun – 2h inc 3 x 15 MP in final 60 (6:42 avg)

Total – 62  miles, 7:11 hr, 6:55m/m avg

Another good week, as things begin to wind down into the taper.

The first half of the week was mostly easy or recovery running, letting the legs freshen up after a pretty full on time the week before.

Things got a bit more interesting on Friday with a 1h30 run including 10 x 3 mins threshold, 3 mins steady (delayed from Thursday with the prospect of lighter winds). Went down the Regents Park for this, the perimeter road is ideal for uninterrupted sessions like this. All went very well, much better than my previous attempt at this session back in February. Held the pace well on the reps, apart from a slight drift on one going into the wind and up a small incline.

Sundays long run included 3 x 15 mins at race pace in the last hour. Completed this round Hyde Park, Green Park and St James Park. Apart from a few crowds round Buckingham palace it went well. Did feel a bit tired in the final 15, but not to worried as it was only 2 days after a pretty tough session.

Reasonable mileage, and another week averaging under 7mm. Going into the taper feeling good.

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