Weekly summary – 31/03/13

Mon – 45 mins easy (6:53)
Tue – 2h35 long run (6:57)
Wed – AM 30 mins recovery (7:41) PM 30 mins recovery (7:30)
Thu – 60 mins inc 8×5 mins threshold (5:43 efforts)
Fri – 45 mins easy (7:17)
Sat – REST
Sun – 2h20 long progression run (6:43 avg)

Total – 73  miles, 8:27 hr, 6:55m/m avg

Catching up on a few weeks of missed posts…

This week felt a bit more like it, 2 solid long runs and a challenging 8 x 5 mins threshold session.

I had the week off work from Tuesday so able to do most of my runs in the light and get plenty of recovery.

Tuesday was a key run – two and a half hours at an easy pace. Held the pace at just under 7 minute miling and finished feeling good. Even put in another 5 mins, and got it up to 22.3 miles.

Thursdays 8 x 5 mins threshold was a but daunting, for some reason doing 8 reps sounded really tough. Drove down to Bushy Park to do this one, as I wanted a flat, distraction free course. In the end it went very well, and held a good average pace across all 8 reps.

Sunday was another long run, but in a progression stylee. The plan was 6 miles easy, 6 miles MP-15, 6 miles MP, 1 mile fast, 2 miles easy. Signed up late for the Richmond Half Marathon so I had a bit of company for the harder sections. Conveniently the start line was a 6 mile run down the canal, arrived and picked up number about a minute before the gun, perfect. Ran the rest of the race as per the plan, feeling good all the way round.

A solid week.

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