Weekly summary – 14/04/13

Mon – AM 45 mins easy (7:15) PM 30 mins recovery (7:36)
Tue – New River session
Wed – 60 mins easy (6:50)
Thu – 10/10/10 threshold (6:26 avg)
Fri – REST
Sat – Parkrun & marathon pace session
Sun – 60 mins easy (7:25)

Total – 45 miles, 5:16 hr, 6:54m/m avg

First week of the taper and the miles have been dialled back, but still a few sessions scattered around.

Tuesdays session was not quite as planned, as on arriving at the New River stadium we found the track closed for cleaning! Initial thoughts of “well, maybe a night off then” were dashed when we headed to the rugby pitch for some intervals on the grass.

The session was quite light to accommodate those with imminent marathons – 5 mins threshold followed by 3 x (4 x 1 min), with 1 min rests between reps, and about 3 mins between sets. It was nice to do some speed work and the session went well, the average pace was 4:46 for the efforts.

I picked up a slight hip/glute strain on the tight corners round the rugby pitch. Nothing too bad, just a dull ache when running. I expect it to get better as I ease down into the taper.

Thursdays session was a 10/10/10 progression run, felt a bit leg weary in this one. Probably down to doing 60 mins at 6:50 the day before, really didn’t worry about it as at this point I know I have done the necessary hard work. One duff day isn’t going to throw me now.

Saturday’s schedule called for a Parkrun, followed by 10 mins easy, 20 mins marathon pace. I have only done one Parkrun before (2 years ago), so printed off my bar code and headed off to Gunnersbury Park in Ealing.

I was a bit nervy beforehand as I rarely run 5k these days and the fast pace required was a bit scary. However in the end it turned out very well, I played it safe in 3rd for the first half before moving up and taking the lead with about 1 mile to go. Managed to hold off the competition and finished 1st in 16:47 (though my watch said 16:44), a PB 🙂

My 5000m track PB is 16:45 so this was a nice result, especially considering the very slippy, muddy conditions at several points on the course.

After a brief rest it was off for 10 mins easy and 20 mins race pace, which went fine and of course felt very easy after the 5k pace.

1 hour easy on Sunday, and that’s it. Just a very light week and wrapping myself in cotton wool in preparation for the big day itself.

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